Rice Lake 21622, Double Ended Beam Alloy Steel, 60,000 lb Load Cell, NTEP
Full Scale Output | 3.0 mV/V |
Material | High Alloy Steel, Nickel Plated |
Seal Type | Environmentally Sealed, IP77 |
Cable Length | 50 ft Cable |
Safe Overload/Sideload | (Overload) 150% full scale (Sideload) 100% full scale |
Product Description
Interchangeable products for the load cells are: VPG Sensortronics 65040A, VPG Celtron DLB, Artech 80310, Thurman TSC 840, Sentran WD1, Anyload 102TH. Double-ended beam load cell. Nickel plated and environmentally sealed with stainless steel plates. Designed for center mounting and double link loading, compatible with Unilink/Translink suspension up to 75,000 lb (34,019.4 kg). Capacities range from 25,000 lb to 125,000 lb (11,339.8 kg to 56,699.1 kg). Resistance: (Output) 700 (± 10) ohm (Input) 770 (± 10) ohm. *Small envelope load cells have an input resistance of 700 (± 14) ohms.* Rated excitation: 5-10 VDC (15 V maximum). Nonlinearity: 0.003% full scale. Hysteresis: 0.02% full scale. Insulation resistance: 1,000 megohms. Cable color code: (red) positive excitation, (black) negative excitation, (green) positive signal, (white) negative signal.
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